Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 95

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 95

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 95

Introducing the manuscript of the sonnets of "Mollah Hossein Khoei" devoted to "Salk" and examining its style

Maryam Gharaemi , Mojtabi Safar Alizadeh (Author in Charge), Shahryar Hassanzadeh


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the reliable ways to recognize the opinions, opinions, thoughts and social and political conditions is to know the written works of the past. Revisiting and paying attention to the old version and uncovering the face of these valuable texts can introduce us to a great extent with the various aspects of the thoughts of the authors and their creators and the conditions in which these artists lived. On the other hand, identifying manuscripts and correcting and introducing a work can provide readers and scholars with valuable information about the intellectual and cultural background of a nation in measuring its authenticity. One of the valuable and neglected manuscripts in the history of Iranian literature is the collection of ghazals by Molhasin Khoi, who is devoted to the seeker.The main purpose of this research is to investigate the stylistic features of Mulla Hossein Khoei"s lyrical poetry and to determine the stylistic features of his poems in three linguistic, intellectual and literary levels

METHODOLOGY: In writing this article, the library method and the descriptive-analytical method were used. The version used in Maryam Ghraimi"s doctoral dissertation has been corrected in a comparative manner based on the single version available in the central library of Tabriz

FINDINGS: By examining the lyrical works of Mallah Hossein Khoei, it can be pointed out these poetic components and characteristics in his style, that the poet"s style shows the characteristics of the poems of the return period, simplicity, fluency, avoiding obscenity and complexity and sometimes imitating the prominent poets of the past styles such as Hafez, Saeb, Saadi and Is

CONCLUSION: Salik"s stylistic feature at the phonetic level is the use of most of the widely used prosodic idioms, applying some kind of poetic authority in a tasteful and tasteful way, words and combinations, the use of current lines in an impressive way, at the literary level, the use of arrays of metaphors, similes, irony as Fluent, simple, and quick to understand, along with other creative verbal and spiritual industries, and on the intellectual level, it is abstinence, asceticism, piety, and negation of tolerance

Molla Hossein Khoei , poems , Stylistic and content analysis , Stylistics , Return period style

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